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Antifascism: elektronisk musik från världar i brand

Många kompositörer och ljudkonstnärer har under 1900- och 2000-tal belyst fascism, nazism, kolonialism och förödande krig på sätt som går bortom skriven och talad text. Sådana affektiva konstnärliga uttryck har förmågan att på samma gång skildra starka känslor och komplexa politiska skeenden. I den här konserten framförs fyra sådana verk, komponerade för ett kvadrofoniskt högtalarsystem. Videodoku - 2025-03-07

Sound Studies: föreläsningsserie

Hösten 2022   PETTER JOHANSSON (LUNDS UNIVERSITET) Säg det med ett leende! Effekten av din röst, på dig själv och på andra 6 OKTOBER, 14.15-16.00, LUX:C214 LÄS MER OCH SE FÖRELÄSNING  CHRISTINE JEANNERET (UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN) Att lyssna på det förflutna: Ljudlandskap och ljudhistoria på Rosenborgs slott 27 OKTOBER, 14.15-16.00, LUX:C214 LÄS MER OCH SE FÖRELÄSNING    JOHN LEVACK DREVER (GOLDSM - 2025-03-07

Ljudmiljöcentrum på Bokmässan i Göteborg 2022

BOKSAMTAL: What is noise? To whom is something noisy and why is it so? Från vänster: James Mansell, Sanne Krogh Groth och moderator Martin Degrell. Fotograf: Gisela Lindberg Sanne Krogh Groth och James Mansell samtalar den 22 september på temat What is noise? To whom is something noisy and why is it so? som en del av Lunds universitets program under Bokmässan.  James Mansell, Associate Professor i - 2025-03-07

About the department

The Department of Human Geography houses two disciplines, Human Geography and Human Ecology. The latter is organized as a division within the Department. The Department of Human Geography houses two disciplines, Human Geography and Human Ecology. The latter is organized as a division within the Department. Research and education in human geography addresses social, cultural, political and economic - 2025-03-07

CPS - Career prospects

Career relevance and research foundation This Master’s programme aims to generate a dialogue between the perspectives of human sciences such as anthropology and human ecology on one hand, and environmental and sustainability science on the other. The capacity to communicate and negotiate issues of global sustainability will be increasingly important for a wide range of professions, including caree - 2025-03-07


Plagiarism means that you copy other authors' texts without telling that's what you've done. This also applies to unpublished texts and your fellow students' texts. In practice, it is theft. Remember that you can always contact your supervisor, The Academic Support Centre, Social Sciences Faculty Library or your programme coordinator if you are unsure of how to deal with citation, referencing or i - 2025-03-07

Programme Overview

LUMID provides students with in-depth and applied knowledge of international development issues and challenges, with a focus on their implications for research and management practices. The programme is designed to enhance students’ previous knowledge, skills and experiences with the ultimate aim to produce graduates who in their professional capacity will be able to contribute to development on b - 2025-03-07

About this Website

Accessibility We strive to make the site accessible and useful to as many people as possible. As part of this, we use Funka's services to ensure a basic level of accessibility. Accessibility statement Accessibility - Lund University (New window) Cookies This site uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website. About this website - Lun - 2025-03-07

Meet Hannah! our student ambassador for the Master’s programme in Human Ecology- Culture, Power and Sustainability (Cps)

Why did you choose Lund University?  – What drew me to Lund initially was the programme that I am now studying. However, the city and Swedish culture made me settle on the university. Lund seemed very similar to the city where I studied for my B.A. with an even greater focus on environmental sustainability, which is important to me. I didn’t get a chance to visit Lund before moving in for the firs - 2025-03-07

Meet Josie from the USA, a Masters Student in Human Ecology

How did you find out about Lund? What attracted you to the programme? – I searched countless websites trying to find a Master’s programme that spoke to me. Lund University stood out, as it was not only a world-renowned university, but also the programme itself and the interdisciplinary nature of it were in-tune with what I had desired for my continued education. Seeing photos of a charming Lund wi - 2025-03-07

Societal outreach and impact

Research that has an impact on society Research plays an important role in the sustainable development of society. Through collaboration with the private, public and non-profit sector and citizens, conditions are created for the research to be relevant and useful to society. The research conducted at the Department of Human Geography is very broad and has, by virtue of its orientation and societal - 2025-03-07

The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to help the police with crime prevention

Societal outreach and impact "Here, we as researchers can contribute through scientific working methods and analyses of underlying factors and living conditions. By using evidence-based methods, we can complement the authorities' working methods and thereby provide an improved situational overview for decisions on the preventive measures that need to be implemented" /Nicklas Guldåker Between 2017 - 2025-03-07

The impact of the green transition on local communities

Societal outreach and impact “As a researcher I have focused on how the green transition and the worldwide push towards less carbon intensive energy affects local communities. In my work, I have prioritized the voice and situated knowledge of the people who are directly affected by the industrial energy buildout of facilities and gas pipelines necessary for hydraulic fracturing” / Martina Angela C - 2025-03-07

The KEG Podcast

Welcome to the KEG-podcast. In each episode, we meet researchers and discuss new research in human geography. The interviews are conducted in Swedish and English, and the conversations are led by researcher Sanna Händén-Svensson. Season 2Welcome to season 2 of the KEG podcast, which will guide you as a listener through the exciting field of current human geography research. In the same spirit as t - 2025-03-07

PhD in Human Geography

At present around fifteen Ph.D. candidates are pursuing their Ph. D.s at the Department within the different research groups found at the Department. Ph.D. positions are financed by the Department, or through external funding, with most Ph.D. projects being funded externally. Since the amount of external funding varies from one year to another it is very difficult to predict when opportunities for - 2025-03-07

PhD in Human Ecology

The PhD programme in Human Ecology would make it possible for the post-graduate: to acquire a deeper knowledge of human ecological processes at both local and global levels with interpretation of their mutual consistency; to develop the ability to integrate different perspectives in order to foster the growth of more multifaceted insights on specific socio-ecological systems, to develop a perspect - 2025-03-07

Study information

Welcome! In this section you can find useful information for students at our department. You can find the information by navigating in the left side menu. Student Office Contact detailsEmail: expeditionen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (expeditionen[at]keg[dot]lu[dot]se)Phone: +46 46 222 17 59How to find usOpening hours Tuesdays 13.00-15.00Wednesdays 09.00-12.00 Schedules You will find schedules at th - 2025-03-07

Final Seminar Maxime Rushemuka

10 April 2025 10:00 to 12:00 | Doctoral Seminars PhD student and contact person: maxime [dot] rushemuka [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (Maxime Rushemuka) Discussant: Patrik Oskarsson, from Swedish University of Agricultural sciences, Uppsala.   About the eventLocation:Rio, 4th floor in Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10Contact:maxime [dot] rushemuka [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se Save the event to your calendar - 2025-03-07


Here you can find information about application and admission, as well as whom to contact if you have questions about admission to our programs and courses. Courses and programmes at our department Courses and programmes Late applications The possibility of late application will open for some of the courses at the department after the original rounds. Apply via: Please - 2025-03-07